
The APBU was established in 1975 .

Minutes of a special meeting establishing the APBU, 9 October 1975

The goals of the APBU are:

(a) to promote the interests and the welfare of the Association and its members, and to uphold the dignity of all of its members in the workplace;


(b) to represent its members in employer-employee relations, and, in particular, to bargain collectively on their behalf, including negotiating policies and working conditions on matters such as hiring, firing, salaries, fringe benefits, pensions, promotion, tenure, leaves and grievances and the uniformity and consistency of job classifications;


(c) to promote the professional development of all of its members, and, in particular, to provide them with a working environment free from discrimination and harassment, to protect their freedom of expression and their academic freedom, and to promote excellence in teaching, scholarship, research, and creative and other activities with the university;


(d) to provide a democratic form of government within the Association which allows free voice and vote to all members without discrimination;


(e) to seek the fullest representation of all of its members in the operation of the University, and to provide an effective means of communication between members of the Association and other members of the University community and relevant groups external to the University; and


(f) to promote the joint interests of the APBU and its affiliated associations (FQPPU, CAUT).