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APBU Statement of Support for McMaster Associate University Librarian Dale Askey


February 27, 2013

The APBU wishes to express its strong support of our colleague Associate University Librarian Dale Askey of McMaster University who has been sued by the Edwin Mellen Press. We view this suit as a direct threat to academic freedom and an attempt to intimidate and censor free speech.

We stand by the joint statement of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and join our colleagues across Canada and internationally in urging Edwin Mellen Press to withdraw its libel suit.

In solidarity,

Association of Professors of Bishop’s University


Pension Referendum Vote Results


Below are the results of the vote on the pension plan changes. We want to thank Justina Browne and Cranmer Rutihinda for acting as scrutineers for the count. 
Yes                                         65           75.6%
No                                          20           23.3%
Spoiled                                  1              1.1%
Total ballots                           86 (76% of all eligible voters)
Yes                                         57           73%
No                                          19           24.4%
Spoiled/Refused                     2              2.6%
Total ballots                            78 (62% of all eligible voters)      
Yes                                         122         74.4%
No                                          39           23.8%
Spoiled/Refused                    3              1.8%
Total ballots                           164 (69% of all eligible voters)
Given these results, we are moving toward a ratification vote but before doing so we need to prepare the specific language and consult with our lawyers, actuary and the CAUT. Your executive will move as quickly as possible on this issue.
Heather McKeen-Edwards

APBU Audit 2010

CAUT Awards

The Association of Professors of Bishop's University (APBU) nominated Dr. Nelly Khouzam and Dr. Ginny Stroeher for CAUT Dedicated Service Awards for their outstanding service to the union. They received these awards at the Mid-Winter Hut party on February 5, 2011.



Dr. Khouzam and Dr. Stroeher with the APBU President, Dr. Manore.

Bill 100

You will find a PDF copy of Bill 100 under Services.

Johnson Renovations and Teaching Evaluations Fall 2010
Following discussion between the administration and the APBU, the Joint Committee has agreed that, due to the sustained disruptions experienced on campus this semester, the following special arrangements will be made for faculty whose teaching has been directly affected.  This agreement will cover the following categories of faculty:
faculty who occupied an office in the Johnson building during Fall 2010
faculty whose office was moved from the Johnson building to another location for the duration of the renovation
faculty who utilized or would normally utilize a research lab or research space in the Johnson building during Fall 2010
faculty who were assigned to a classroom within the Johnson building during Fall 2010 (including BWH)
faculty who were assigned a classroom within the Johnson building according to the preliminary timetable for Fall 2010 but whose class was subsequently moved elsewhere
- any other faculty member whose appeal to the Joint Committee to be included in this group for other reasons (e.g. the flood of October 2010) is accepted by that body
Faculty who fall into any or several of these categories shall inform the Office of the VP Academic by December 15, 2010should they wish to remove their evaluations of Fall 2010 from the group of teaching evaluations to be considered at their next evaluation under the Collective Agreements.  The numerical scores of all courses, whether removed or not, will continue to form the basis of the statistical averages utilized by the Evaluation Committee.  After the deadline of December 15, 2010, all course evaluations not removed by a faculty member will remain in his or her file.
Although it will not form part of the individual statistical score of the faculty member used by the Evaluation Committee, nothing shall prevent a faculty member who has removed a course evaluation in the above manner from subsequently including the same as part of the teaching dossier submitted to the Evaluation Committee.
Joint Committee for Full-time Faculty, Librarians and Contract Faculty

Revision of the APBU Constitution

26 October, 2010

Dear Colleagues,
                As you probably recall, the APBU Executive Committee has struck a sub-committee to work on the revision of the union’s constitution.  The goal is to produce a draft of the proposed new constitution early in January of 2011.  The members of the union will be asked to comment on the draft, and the sub-committee will then produce a revised draft for submission to the members in a General Assembly at the end of that semester.  The members of the sub-committee are Marge Heggison, Barbara Hunting, Jean Manore, Gary McCormick, Daniel Miller, Lorna Ruemper, and Daron Westman.
                As we begin our work on the first draft, we would welcome any and all suggestions or comments from members.  You can suggest specific amendments, or more general suggestions about areas of the constitution that should be revised.  Please send your comments directly to me.  When responding, please do not just hit “reply”; this email has been sent from the union office on the APBU distribution lists, but you should respond to my email at Champlain [email protected]
Thank you.
Daron Westman